I’m glad you’ve arrived, maggot! If you thought you were going to just casually browse this site without taking a few rounds, THEN YOU DON’T KNOW FORT FUBAR! This site is all about making you better. The wisdom in these posts are timeless. By simply basking in its glory, you will be stronger, better looking, and more irresistible to the opposite sex. I have solved the problems that plague our military and am giving you the solutions, all the while, saying the things you’ve always wanted to say. Additionally, I have found the cure to poverty through years of research on how to build wealth and am now giving away this information, FOR FREE! Now, all you have to do is read and implement!! But you must have a bias for action!!! If information was all that we needed, we would all be billionaires with six pack abs.
Have fun, and share anything you find insightful with someone else who could use it. And as always, if you love these articles let me know and I’ll produce more. Hate these articles? Well, it’s probably ’cause you’re a low speed staff weenie, with a fetish for bureaucracy. Why don’t you go ahead, respond, and let me know why I am wrong. FUBAR 6, OUT.