SITREP: How to Task Delegate Like a BOSS!
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with tasks? Is your inbox blowin’ up like a Hezbollah pager? Then do I have a fix for you! It’s called the Task Delegation Matrix, and it will tell you right away how to delegate any tasks. Behold, the matrix in all its glory!

On the vertical axis we have “Important.” This axis ranks the importance of the task from 0 through 10, with 10 being the most important and 0 being the least important. On the horizontal axis we have “Fun.” This ranks how fun the task is, using the same scoring system as “Important.”
When you receive a task, determine how important that task is and how fun it will be to complete. For example, mopping the floors after drill. It’s not important, nor is it fun, so who do we assign this to? You guessed it! The privates. I would say give it to the least mission essential person, but sometimes CSM gets salty when he has to mop.
Another example: planning a company sports event for PT. It’s not real important but boy is it fun! That’s what we call NCO business, thus we assign it to our NCOs.
What about jumping out of an airplane and leading a company through a super cool live fire? That’s fun and important! Hence, that’s where the commander should be. What about things like the Leader Development Program, or running a weapons qual range? It’s kind of important and it can be kind of fun. That’s where the 1SG or CSM should be. Don’t give your senior NCOs the crap assignments, but don’t make their life too comfortable either (after all, NCOs need to be hard). Give your senior NCOs tasks that they can thrive on. Maybe they will make it more fun! Officers tend to take the fun out of things.

Anyway, there you have it! My fool proof way to delegate tasks so that you are not so busy anymore.
P.S. This article is fake news. Don’t actually assign tasks like this.
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*This article was written by FUBAR 6. All opinions expressed in this article are that of the author. This article is not endorsed by the Department of Defense, the United States Army, or any other state or government agency. Comments to the author can be submitted below.