Well, howdy there, partner. Fancy seeing you around these parts. A lot’s happened since your last visit. A couple of buckaroos hit it big. Oh, you didn’t hear? Well, saddle up and get ready to hear the not so tall tale of Private William J. Snuffy and Sergeant Joe S. Ragman. The Ballad of Private…
Month: March 2025
Why MAJ America leads better than CPT America
“I would love to see my son or daughter be led by the most inexperienced officer, especially in combat,” said no one ever. So then why does the army select Captains (CPT) and sometimes even First Lieutenants (LT) to be company commanders!? What if instead, we went with leaders who were more senior with more…
How to fund and build the border wall tomorrow
Currently the US is struggling keeping illegal immigrants from coming across the Mexican border into America. One of the common cited issues is a lack of a consistent border wall to act as an obstacle for illegals from immediately crossing the border. But building a wall has been highly politicized. Especially, deciding how it will…