Well, howdy there, partner. Fancy seeing you around these parts. A lot’s happened since your last visit. A couple of buckaroos hit it big. Oh, you didn’t hear? Well, saddle up and get ready to hear the not so tall tale of Private William J. Snuffy and Sergeant Joe S. Ragman. The Ballad of Private…
Author: fortfubar
Why MAJ America leads better than CPT America
“I would love to see my son or daughter be led by the most inexperienced officer, especially in combat,” said no one ever. So then why does the army select Captains (CPT) and sometimes even First Lieutenants (LT) to be company commanders!? What if instead, we went with leaders who were more senior with more…
How to fund and build the border wall tomorrow
Currently the US is struggling keeping illegal immigrants from coming across the Mexican border into America. One of the common cited issues is a lack of a consistent border wall to act as an obstacle for illegals from immediately crossing the border. But building a wall has been highly politicized. Especially, deciding how it will…
I flew six people and got a rental car for free just by being in the military!
MISSION REPORT: FORT FUBAR SITREP: I flew six people and got a rental car for free just by being in the military! Are you broke as joke and in desperate need of a vacation? Well, I know a way you can travel for virtually free! It’s called credit card rewards, and the secret hack here…
Why a fifth grader playing “Call of Duty” could out plan your staff
Mission Report: FORT FUBAR Imagine your Nick Saban (famous coach for the University of Alabama football team, “Roll Tide”) and you’re trying to create a sweet new offensive play. So, you tell your assistant coaches to come up with a few ideas for a new play that involves a run fake, with play action, where…
But did anything bad happen? The unfortunate truth of a “successful” command in today’s Army
MISSION REPORT: FORT FUBAR SITREP: But did anything bad happen? The unfortunate truth of a “successful” command in today’s Army Sure, your battalion may have jumped into enemy territory, defeated a division worth of enemy, and singlehandedly won the war, but you also had three SHARP cases in your rear detachment, thus you didn’t promote…
If you’re smart, you’ll use these 3 financial planning tools
MISSION REPORT: FORT FUBAR SITREP: If you’re smart, you’ll use these 3 financial planning tools This is it boys. The only programs you need to make your financial independence dream come true. I have used dozens of planning tools and investing platforms throughout the years, devoting hundreds of hours to research and it all boils…
Everything you need to know to be rich, in 2 minutes
What is the secret to being rich? Buy things that make you money. How do I do that? Step #1: Get a job that makes money. Step #2: Live on less than you earn. Step #3: Invest the difference. What things should I buy that make me money? Stocks. Specifically, an S&P 500 index fund…
Withholding Policy: A leader’s way of saying you can’t be trusted
MISSION REPORT: FORT FUBAR (CLASSIFICATION: BETTER NOT TELL NOBODY) SITREP: Withholding Policy: A leader’s way of saying you can’t be trusted “Command me harder, Sir,” said no Battalion Commander ever! Yet when they become a Brigade Commander they’re all like, “I need to make sure all punishments and decisions are held at my level, because…
Your unit is trash at shooting, here is a solution to fix it
MISSION REPORT: FORT FUBAR (CLASSIFICATION: NOT REALLY A SECRET) SITREP: Your unit is trash at shooting, here is a solution to fix it Perhaps the most important skill in combat is knowing how to run a range. In combat you need a good Range Safety Officer and a tower in which both good guys and…